Hello there, darlings.
Another long hiatus with no explanation, you say? A shameful lack of updates for several months is exactly the kind of content you want, you say? Don't mind if I do. I'm sorry, comrades. Essays galore and (blessedly) a new era of gainful employment dawned on me this quarter and sucked the life out of me like nothing else. I am back and, as always, back with a vengeance and a whole score of new plans for you all.
Today, however, we narrow our focus to a thing that I have done. This thing, drumroll please, is a monumentally different haircut.
a sort of soliloquy
Shock! Horror! Thousands of mothers of curly haired girls all over the globe weep for the loss! "Lex," they cry out in anguish, "How dare you! How dare you sever your ringlets! How dare you do this to us again and again! How dare you give our daughters heretical ideas which defy the standards of hairstyle and upkeep that we have imposed so rigidly upon them!"
If you are astute, or if you have ever had the pleasure of hearing me speak in person, you will sense the sarcasm followed by the wafting bouquet of age-old bitterness. Of course I am bitter. Girls everywhere have been coached to keep their hair at a "feminine" length due to standards by which are ridiculous and outdated. Feminine be damned, I say. Standards and aesthetic blockades be damned! Let us cut our hair however much and however often we want. May we never be bound by "No, but your hair is so pretty long!" May we never feel our confidence waver when we hear that "(they/we/I) will never find you attractive again".
The ease, the comfort, the versatility, the beauty, the wonder, the joy, and the amazed reactions of supportive companions are only a fair few benefits of presenting yourself the way that you want to, the way that you love, and the way that makes you feel your pre-existing beauty ripple in your veins. If you want to cut your hair, do it. You have my personal, unwavering support.
Now that I have properly deflated my irked and adamant windbags, you may have been wondering why I haven't made this post sooner, as I have cut my hair short before. You are right, and good for you for noticing things. I've cut my hair short one more time, and differently, and I'll tell you all about that now.
I went to Bowie Salon and Spa in Seattle, which is a deviation from my usual salon, Seven. My stylist was a referral from a dear and darling friend of mine, who also has a pixie cut.
I asked her to use shears and go very short on the sides, keeping the lines around my face rounded, but crisp rather than feathery. I also asked her to give my little fore-ear pieces a point because, hey, when you can look more elfish, always do.
I also requested that she do some more channelling on the top of my head, so that my curls would continue to form their usual thick ringlets as opposed to something more separated and thinned out. She kept my left part very distinct, but blended very slightly on my right side so that it would fall more delicately, rather than as starkly as an undercut. Both sides are, however, very short.
The back of my neck is as short as the sides, and is tapered down closely. The top of my head was kept short enough that it doesn't flip or curl outwards, but long enough to where my natural texture still shows through.
coming soon
Within the next couple of weeks, I will be doing a comprehensive review of my current styling regime. If you'd like a hint, it's an eclectic bundle containing both Old Spice and Kerastase. I'll leave the rest up to your imagination.
a brief gallery
Truly, I just like how these pictures turned out and I'd like to show you. Additionally, I'd like to see your own haircuts, because I am easily excited and I love you, probably. If you'd like to get hyped and showered in compliments (and also witness the graveyard where all my selfies and grievances about coffee prices go to die), you can follow me on twitter, which will be in a link down at the very bottom of this post, as with all posts, as with all of life on this green earth. What? Nevermind. Here's some selfies.
Peace and pastries be upon you.
love, lex
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